Avoid these 7 mistakes when welcoming visitors to your company

According to a study by Cebr, 40% of those visiting companies believe that a bad experience during their visit means they are less likely to do business. With that in mind, a customer-friendly reception is crucial to prevent the loss of potential customers. Give visitors an unforgettable customer experience by avoiding these 7 errors.

1. Unfriendly details

ā€œWelcome to our companyā€ is a hospitable expression but one that is seldom heard by visitors. Ensure a customer-friendly reception and ask your staff to give visitors a personal welcome. Practice makes perfect!

2. Waiting too long

Waiting times are a great source of frustration. Visitors queue up at the reception, wait for a telephone call to the host, then wait to be picked upā€¦ The impression created by the reception determines how visitors will judge your products and services. So time is certainly of the essence.

3. Insecure visitor information

Visitors signing in on paper at the reception are also able to see information about others. Thatā€™s hardly reassuring. Discretion is an important part of the trust you develop with your customers. Go paperless.

4. Insufficient privacy protection

Parcels at reception not only look messy, they give visitors a glimpse into the private lives of your employees. After all, the nature, packaging and label often reveal the contents of private purchases. What impression does this give the visitor of your companyā€™s diligence? Store your parcels properly

5. Far too little VIP treatment

Improving the visitor experience begins in the reception area. Provide water and healthy snacks, install comfortable chairs and offer guest Wi-Fi so that your visitors can prepare for the meeting.

6. No protection of intellectual property

The receptionist hardly ever asks a visitor to sign an NDA. Not only is this a must to protect your IP, it also demonstrates to your customers that you have valuable in-house products and expertise.

7. Missing an innovative look and feel

A reception that looks professional and innovative says a lot about your company. A pioneering reception is a great way to leave a lasting impression. Visitors will be wowed by a virtual receptionist.