Carya’s access control policy becomes cyber-secure and cost-efficient with Bringme

The Network and Information Security (NIS 2) Directive, the new directive around cybersecurity, was approved by the European Commission in January 2023. Carya Group, an IT service provider in the automotive sector, uses Bringme’s Digital Reception and approved access control and IT asset management policies to comply with the new guidelines. Indeed, the company’s international growth has meant that there are more and more people and therefore more parcels, assets, and visitors in the workplace.

The Digital Reception manages this influx safely and professionally. Evelyn Derycke, chief people officer at Carya Group, explains why Carya Group chose Bringme…

Why is Carya Group investing some of its funds in the partnership with Bringme?

  • Cost-effective: available 24/7, without having to invest in a FTE to be physically present at the reception desk.
  • Time-efficient: Bringme takes over reception tasks and relieves employees so they can focus on core tasks.
  • (Cyber-)secure: perfect control over who and what enters and leaves the building.

Reception is on duty 24/7, without labour costs

Carya Group’s exponential growth not only resulted in an increase in parcel deliveries, but more and more people were also coming to the office. Instead of spending a lot of money on a front desk staffed with receptionists, a more cost-efficient alternative was chosen: the Digital Reception was the perfect solution for Carya Group.

We could hire someone to staff the reception, but that is still a considerable cost. That’s why we decided to invest some of the money in working with Bringme.

More time and space to focus on core tasks

“We only realised just how time-consuming those reception tasks actually were after we’d been working with Bringme for a few weeks,” says Evelyn, “Sofie, our bookkeeper, was confronted with the fact that she spent up to half an hour every day receiving parcels and answering questions about delivery, when those were not actually her core tasks.” The parcel and visitor flows constantly caused distractions, but with Bringme, no one is disturbed while working as parcels wait safely in a Bringme Box for the recipient and a Bringme Desk welcomes visitors automatically.

“We also use the Bringme Box internally when IT assets or documents need to be passed on. That way, nothing is ever left lying around,” Evelyn explains. Everything that goes in and out of the Box has a Track & Trace code. That way, you prevent sensitive data from falling into the wrong hands, or being lost or stolen.

Bringme is a great product because it optimises our business processes, allowing us to on core activities without fussing over logistics

Strict access control isn't just for major government organisations any more

The NIS 2 Directive requires organisations that are essential or important to society as well as their suppliers to adhere to a set of cyber-resilience guidelines, including access control and IT asset management.

“Access control laws, previously only for major government organisations, are being extended in Europe, which means that IT companies must now also be able to prove that they have clear and strict access controls in place. Our entrance door is open from eight in the morning to five in the evening currently, and we want to address that efficiently in the short term,” Evelyn explained. Carya Group will soon be able to rely on Bringme’s additional access control.