The virtual reception: unattended and impersonal?

Very often, in a company environment, we associate hospitality with a friendly receptionist who greets and assists visitors. An unstaffed and automated reception seems to be the exact opposite of the concept of customer-friendliness. Nevertheless more and more companies are opting for a visitor management system without a receptionist, not only for cost-savings but also because of the following three factors.

Register quickly and comfortably

A digital welcome shortens the waiting time of the visitor. Thereā€™s no queue of visitors at reception, no more waiting until the receptionist has ended their telephone call, and most of all, no more closing times. Visitors can register quickly and simply with a user-friendly touchscreen, after which the host receives a notification on their smartphone, wherever they may be in the company. Waiting times are shortened immensely.

A uniform, customer-friendly reception

A virtual reception registers visitors in a uniform way. The quality of the welcome is just as professional at any time for any client, and can be conducted in five languages. Shortly after the arrival of the visitor, the host can personally welcome them in a warm and friendly manner. Best of all, the host will have the correct visitor information which will avoid embarrassing mistakes.

Discretion guaranteed

You are never alone at a reception or welcome desk. Nonetheless the reason for the meeting should remain confidential between the host and the visitor. An automatic reception also means there is a safe visitor register which complies with GDPR legislation. And just as important is the protection of your own knowhow and ideas. Every visitor is required to sign a confidentiality agreement which, if your receptionist had to do this, would be an impossible task.
