Digital reception relieves 245 Hammersmith Road of repetitive tasks

Say you have plans to run an innovative coworking space in London’s trendiest neighbourhood. You want to offer contemporary must-haves, such as an option to receive and send parcels securely. How do you do that as efficiently as possible, without burdening your employees? Here’s how 245 Hammersmith and Bringme managed to make this scenario a reality.

How 245 Hammersmith Road puts service first thanks to Bringme

  • Cost-efficient and unstaffed: parcels go straight into the hands of the addressee.
  • No lost or stolen parcels: every delivery is kept safe in the Bringme Box.
  • Service and hospitality first, thanks to the elimination of repetitive tasks.

A reception desk, collection point, and mailroom all in one

No parcel issues for 245 Hammersmith Road. Carley Bright, General Manager of the company, talks about how easy and efficient the Bringme Box is for her and her employees, who, thanks to the Box, never have to struggle with a huge number of deliveries again, “We had to look for a cost-effective solution. Preferably one that combined a reception desk, mailroom, and collection point into one. We found that solution at Bringme.”

More parcels, fewer incidents.

When tenants and employees want to receive their personal orders at the office, you bear the responsibility for this as the general manager: you have to be able to guarantee that no parcels get lost or stolen, as well as that the addressees’ personal data do not end up in the wrong hands at any time. That’s quite a challenge without the Bringme Box. “I now know that sending and receiving parcels is completely secure. Couriers place their deliveries directly into the Bringme Box, after which the recipient automatically receives a notification. So they can no longer mistake post boxes, and parcels are no longer left lying around, so thefts are also a thing of the past for good,” says Carley.

Bringme takes tasks and liability away from employees

The Bringme Box provides a lot of peace of mind for employees at 245 Hammersmith Road. “Thanks to the unique QR code, only the recipient can access the items in the Bringme Box. This way, our employees will no longer come into contact with parcels and mail. In other words, Bringme takes the responsibility away from my team, and puts it back on the user,” says Carley Bright.