Here’s how a virtual reception can benefit your company

Now that far fewer employees work in the office and far fewer customers are visiting, more and more companies are working with a virtual reception. And that’s understandable; it’s the easiest way to welcome visitors, customers, and suppliers and to implement the corona measures automatically. But did you also know that such a virtual reception gives your company a lot more than just a safe, properly functioning reception area? You can also save a lot of money with it.

The average ‘classic’ reception area costs 115,500 euros

An average reception area is staffed by one to two reception employees. One full-time employee is often not enough: people get sick, take leave and the opening hours of the company exceed the 38-hour week. Converted into operating costs, the total cost of an experienced receptionist is around 77,000 euros per year. That’s 55,000 euros in wages, plus 40% overhead for SMEs. To be able to staff the reception area permanently, you need at least 1.5 FTE. So that’s an average total of 115,500 euros a year. That all adds up.

For more information, read “Why each company’s reception costs are too high”

A virtual reception costs 15,720 euros

And now back to the virtual reception solution, with all the costs added up neatly, just like in the previous example. A visitor management system that welcomes visitors, opens the door, and gives clear instructions to suppliers costs 1,020 euros a year. A visitor management system that works without the help of a reception employee costs 5,340 euros a year. As an average company, you’ll pay around 5,220 euros a year for a smart parcel box that functions as a self-service delivery box for couriers and suppliers. When it comes to larger companies with more suppliers and couriers, this goes up to approximately 8,320 euros a year. You’ll also need an external professional phone service to transfer your phone calls. Oh, and by the way, that last one works 24/7, something your receptionist can’t do… Average cost: 4,140 euros a year. All in all, that’s a total of 15,720 euros a year.

92% of the tasks are repetitive and can be automated

Let’s look at it in percentage terms. With a virtual reception solution, you can automate up to 92% of repetitive tasks done by your reception employee. All that’s left is 8% of the tasks, which are exceptional and remain the responsibility of the reception employee (or another employee). This means that 8% of 115,500 euros– or 9,240 euros– remains.

A cost reduction of… 90,540 euros a year!

You read that correctly: that’s how much a company saves on average with a virtual reception: 90.540 euros a year. It’s clear, with or without a calculator: that’s the cost of 115.500 euros for the ‘classic’ reception desk minus the cost of the digital reception solution at 15.720 euros, with the remaining 8% in exceptional management costs of 9.240 euros.

After five years, you’ll already be making an additional profit of 452.700 euros

And you have to admit, five years will fly by. But you’ll save even more because a virtual reception solution not only improves the health of your company. Your employees will also be healthier thanks to the contactless deliveries and the daily health check at the virtual reception desk. Digitisation and automation occasionally result in money in the bank, but no other department can match such a significantly high ROI: the virtual reception solution beats them all…
