Visitor management in a digital reception
A digital reception also receives and registers visitors and employees. Using a visitor management system, this is done very efficiently & digitally. There are 2 types of visitor management solutions, but 1 clear winner.

Software as a Service (SaaS) solution
These systems support the receptionist in their daily tasks. They partially digitize the reception, do not operate independently: a receptionist must always be present with a tablet or iPad to use the software, and they incur additional costs: the cost of the system plus the costs of the receptionist using the system.

Hardware as a Service (HaaS) solution
This system operates 100% independently and fully automates visitor registration. It includes various components such as a smart doorbell, badge printer, and QR code readers to open doors. Because no receptionist is needed, a company with a HaaS system saves a lot of money. And the reception becomes much more professional. A full digital reception therefore always offers a HaaS solution.