What is parcel management or mailroom management?

Parcel management, or mailroom management, is the process within an organisation where all incoming and outgoing mail, parcels, and deliveries are handled. However, the traditional approach tends to be labor-intensive.

Modern solutions provide reception staff with greater convenience, including a real-time overview of incoming shipments, automatic signing, storage, and contactless deliveries and collections.

Solutions for parcel management

A smart parcel management system effectively organises everything related to mail and parcels within an organisation. Companies can manage deliveries in three ways:

Manual parcel management

In its most basic form, everything is done manually, with tasks completed by front desk workers or back office workers.

Semi-manual parcel management

A more modern system is powered by software and utilises the cloud (Software as a Service - SaaS). However, staff involvement is still necessary.

Automated parcel management

In its most advanced form, parcel management seamlessly integrates software & hardware. The system aims to take over all tasks from employees, eliminating the need for intervention in receiving and signing for parcels.

1. Parcel management by staff

Companies not yet engaged in digital transformation may still use staff to receive and sign for mail and packages. These employees must receive incoming mail and parcels, store them, and notify the addressee of their arrival. This task is time-consuming.

2. Parcel management with a SaaS solution

Incoming and outgoing mail and parcels can be tracked more efficiently with cloud-based software for mailroom management (SaaS). This reduces the need for time-consuming paperwork and replaces it with electronic signatures. However, a receptionist still needs to interact with couriers and suppliers. Scanning the mail and parcels, securely storing them, and handing them over when the addressee arrives remain manual tasks.

3. Parcel management with a HaaS solution

HaaS (Hardware as a Service) solutions cleverly combine hardware and software into a fully automated parcel management system. Such solutions include a smart parcel locker that smooths the delivery process in a company.

The locker scans deliveries, provides a digital proof of delivery to the courier, and notifies the addressee. The recipient then picks up the parcel using a personal QR code. Additionally, no staff is required, and these solutions comply with privacy and data protection laws, giving the company's reception a modern, innovative look.

Companies often opt for this solution to save costs, improve efficiency and communication, and reduce the risk of human errors.

How a smart parcel locker works...

  1. The courier scans the delivery at the smart parcel box.
  2. The box signs and provides a receipt and notifies the recipient.
  3. The recipient scans his/her QR code and the box releases the item.

What added value does digital parcel management bring to your company?

Greater efficiency

No front desk employee required to receive and store mail and parcels.

More safety

Safe and privacy-proof storage of mail and parcels.

Cost savings

A digital reception with parcel management can save your company up to Ā£45,000.